Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Pet Parade Tomorrow

We will have two groups for the pet parade. Group 1 will be the real animals & group 2 will be the stuffed animals.

·         The real animals will go first at 8:30, while group 2 watches as the audience.
·         After the real animals finish “parading” around the parking lot loop, we will trade places.
·         The real animals are free to go as soon as they make their loop or they may stay to watch the stuffed animals’ “parade”.
·         The parade will be finished after the stuffed animals have made their debut.
·         Real animals may stay for extra cuddles & hugs, but MUST GO BACK HOME AT 9:00.

Please remember that real animals may not be dropped off at the school. A parent or an adult must be present with the animal.

Animals must be on a leash.

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