Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Tuesday's adventure

This morning we went to the public library for storytelling. We listened to a timeline of jazz music while listening to different kinds of jazz and different instruments. 

We learned that the blues came from Africa.

music can even be made with a washboard!

we also learned about the pentatonic scale which is "a musical scale or mode with five notes peroctave in contrast to a heptatonic (seven note) scale such as the major scale and minor scale." and about a slide which is "guitar technique where the player sounds one note, and then moves (slides) their finger up or down." we were told that in the olden days guitarists would use an old glass pill bottle as a slide.

the students got to join in on the fun by shaking eggs filled with rice to the rhythm. :)

another interesting note were learned was that Vera Hall, an African folk singer, is from Livingston. She is best known for her song "Trouble So Hard" and was inducted into the Alabama Women's Hall of Fame in 2005.

during our research time, we learned about two ocean creatures that live in the sunlit zone: sea turtles and jellyfish. we learned that jellyfish have no brain, heart, or blood and that sea turtles only come to land to lay their eggs, just to name a few facts. we added our facts to the L section of our KWL chart.
we watched a really neat video on National Geographic Kids about Jammin' Jellies!

we are also enjoying our StrataLogica program. we have been learning so much about atlases and how to use them this morning. StrataLogica is going to come in handy in our ocean research. 

click here for more information and read below:
"Nystrom maps, globes, atlases, and charts now come alive in an environment where teachers and students can actively engage with our multi-layered world and easily share content and collaborate in ways never before imagined. Completely web-based and powered by the Google Earth API, StrataLogica is designed for computers, projectors and interactive whiteboards."

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